Thursday, August 16, 2012

super colour f******** expialidocious

Having slept on our chosen exterior colours for the night (not literally you fool) I woke up thinking maybe the colours we had chosen were a little "too" grey. No offence to My Grey and his 50 shades, but it wasn't sitting well with me.
The main reason why is this picture.

It is as close to the colours we are choosing as possible. The moment I saw it I thought "why is our house black and white against a blue sky?" I know it isnt a true representation of what it will be but it was enough to make me instantly think that it looked like a house straight out of the movie Pleasantville. You know, midway through when colour starts to appear in joyful places. Our house looked sad, and I couldn't have that so I have changed my mind.
Prepare yourself for THE most dramatic change in colour choices to have ever passed your eyes.
We are going from this...
moon and stars

To This...


dusty miller

I know, I know, it is such a subtle difference. But when I put them side by side you can really notice.

the old
the new

See how the picture on the right has a hint of blue and silver to it? Something that the one on the left seems to be lacking.

the old
the new

It is even more obvious when you compare the two highlight colours. See how on the left it just looks like the colour is missing, the right is a lovely soft blue/green grey that reminds me of an overcast day at the seaside.

Anyway, that is where we are at the moment. I can only assume that there will be many more changes to come and therefore, unfortunately for my dear Husband, more stress. But at least we can laugh along the way. As we were talking about colours for the house I referred again to our land as Landy. Matt suggested I stop calling Landy by it's name as in his words "Landy will soon have his skin ripped off" referring to the soil. So it would be best to stop associating the land with a living thing. Poor brave Landy.
Who thinks I am nuts? Does it just look like the same grey? Or can you see the difference I see? 
Go on, you can admit it.


  1. I can definitely tell the difference between the colors :)

    1. Oh I am glad. Do you prefer the new to the old?

    2. I would say yes. The top gray was definitely darker ..which made the whole feeling darker. So I prefer the changes :)

  2. I agree with Rachel you can tell the difference. Subtle but different. Ann Terry alias mumsy
