Thursday, July 19, 2012

"euro"va it yet?

This is a short post as there is no news on the quote.
But I thought I would share with you all the actual layout of the land and how our house will fit.
The street is curved. Almost like the letter "C" and our block of land is positioned right on the tip of the curve. So I guess you could say that our land is what completes the euro sign. No biggy! Just an incredible symbol that is world famous. 
photo from our trip to Germany one year. This was in Frankfurt.
I love the layout of the street. It is one of the things that drew me to the land in the first place. 
Above is how our house will be positioned. It doesn't look like a big backyard, but the alfresco is all open so there will be ten meters of length. Nice enough to maintain for me as I will be the one looking after the garden.
So what do you think? Is it all you imagined and more? Perhaps that's just me. But I love how Matt has been able to create a wonderful design and future home on a difficult piece of land. 
Above shows you the size of the land he had to deal with. See the difference in sizes with the front and back? 
Well that's it from me. I hope to be back tomorrow with some more details on the quote.

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